Source: ULISSE Project
ULISSE is the acronym for USOCs KnowLedge Integration and dissemination for Space Science and Exploration.
ULISSE is aimed at increasing the return of scientific space activities, pursuing the valorisation, dissemination and exploitation of scientific data from space experiments. ULISSE will prepare the infrastructure and tools for valorisation of scientific data of future ISS experiments; ULISSE will provide also data from other space platforms as well as the already available data from previous space experiments.
The project will include dissemination activities (scientific as well as divulgative publications, public events, educational activities on space research) increasing the involvement of specialized community and the awareness of general public.
- Analysis of sustainability: will analyse how the results of ULISSE can be sustained, identifying its possible funding sources such as increase of services towards space agencies as well as towards other entities (i.e. Ministries). Such a market analysis of ULISSE services will provide a reliable forecast of future revenues.
- Scientific expert and also Data provider
- Performance Evaluation: includes both the definition of criteria for performance evaluation and of the corresponding test plan, and the evaluation of ULISSE performances during its utilization. The test plan will include “private” utilization sessions, performed by the Partners to test and improve the system in preparation for the public demonstration sessions.