For the eighth time in a row the E-USOC has participated in the activities englobed as part of the XV Science Week. As done in previous years, it has been offered to visit our facilities, located in Excellent IT and Technology Transfer Montegancedo Campus of Universidad Politécnica de Madrid.
The guided tour participants could observe first-hand how the real time International Space Station (ISS) operations environment works. In detail, the participants can visit our clean room, the fluids laboratory and, of course, our control room. In the clean room, currently without any engineering model from the ISS, the participants could see the nanosatellite QBITO, currently in development. In the laboratory, our researchers explained and performed a demonstration of the last experiment about Vibrated Fluids they are working on as well as other of the electronic projects currently being developed. Lastly, in the control room, they could see first-hand how the real time operations environment for ISS experiments is, with real time audio and video from the Station. Also, for a better understanding of our work, a short briefing was given about the ISS itself, overall ISS operations environment description and the E-USOC role on it.
The Science Week is an annual event that tries to bring science and technology closer to the citizens. Around 1000 free activities were in this edition’s agenda. The activities offered ranged from guided tours, to workshops as well as roundtables or open door days. Each of them from a different perspective or field but always focused on putting into general knowledge the investigation activities carried in the Community of Madrid.
In this edition, around 50 participants attended our visits. Among them, the Aeromechanics students of IES Raul Vazquez . We are very sorry for not being able to accommodate all the interested people due to the limited seating capacity. We truly wish you enjoyed the visit and we wish to see you in future occasions.